Tuesday, May 28, 2013

woooo boy!

I'm not very good at this blogging thing am I

I officially got a shift supervisor position.

In the Beaches.

Today was my last day at my current store.  I took 5 days off to volunteer at Toronto Clown Festival.  I'm glad I'll get a break between stores.

I have to say though.  I'm less than thrilled. 
The beaches is FAR.  And well, the beach people, they have a bit of a snobby reputation.  I'll also have to work the Jazz fest.  FML.  I thought I got away from street festivals!  *whhhaaaa*  Maybe I'll get to open those three days...

I want to be in a positive frame of mind.  I'm having trouble right now.  This has been a particularly odd month.  Maybe soon I'll be back to my happy, cynical self!!


  1. Unfortunately, you don't have an email published so I guess I'll use a public forum as you did on my own blog. Shame on me for having the gall to publish a recipe that isn't mine? Learn some etiquette before I get into trouble. Well, let's see-- I gave credit to the author of the recipe in the blog and on the recipe card. I used my own photos. I've been a blogger for five years, and I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS give credit where it's due. I'm always a lady about my responses, but I have to say that yours was so outrageously rude, that I had to respond. Fortunately, another kind stranger pointed out that I gave credit. I'm sorry you were having a bad day and had to take it out on me. Thank you for visiting and I wish you a blessed life. Oh, I do publish my email so anyone can write to me. I could delete your comment, but I won't. I'll let others see what your, er, etiquette is like. 'Nuff said.

  2. Always always LINK. ALWAYS. not everyone knows who the pioneer woman is. Not everyone understands how to google. I found your link thought pinterest, and the credit is due to Ree, not you. THAT is just plain rude. Don't get all pissy with me missy.
