What's been going on?
Lionel is 12LBS 4.5 OZ
He's in a crying jag. Evenings suuuuuuuck right now. It's that red faced, not breathing cry. The one that makes me cry. Supposedly this is normal for 6 weeks.
I don't much care about 'normal', 'cause normal isn't sleep.
Last week(s) J has been working day after day and on the one day off he cleaned the apartment. That means by the end of that long work period he was exhausted, so I didn't get a break. *sigh*
I'm not begrudging him not helping as much as he had been (naps and baths and massages!) He needs to be alert at his job, and down time is important.
I am frustrated because that means I get no down time.
When LeoB is sleeping he's either sleeping on me and getting up will wake him or in his swing. If he's in his swing I rush around getting things done before it's time for him to eat. Again.
Can you tell I'm exhausted?
I love his little guy a tonne. I'm glad he's here. But my arms (and back, and feet...) hurt!
Here are a few snaps for the last few weeks:
Visit with Great Grandma (4.5 weeks) |
a photo prompt from my baby group |
tummy time |
one month in 3 month sleeper! |
Pickle and LeoB |
with his 'funny guys' |
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