Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas wrapping!

I'm a bit of an environmentalist.
I hope I've stopped being so...preachy and pushy, and I'm trying to lead by example (asking for no napkins/bags, making sure I have my handkerchief/bags, bringing reusable cups/bottles, walking/cycling when I can)

I wrap in the same way.  Like I said...we started doing stockings.  that eliminates wrapping (cause we don't wrap the insides).  I made fabric shopping bags for a craft show a few years ago, and they make GREAT wrapping.  and double as a gift!  if I'm giving a t-shirt, I'll roll it up in a tube and use a nice fat fabric ribbon to hold it in place.  or if there are other things in my gift bundle, I'll do just that...bundle them up, in the t-shirt, and wrap them.

this year I'm giving myjason a sweater...that wont fit in a sock...but I have fabric!  I cut out a big square, and used some clips and bows (fine, they are hair clips...shhhhh!), and ta da!  a wrapped gift!  (this might only work for people in your immediate family so you can take back the fabric...)

 (that's out Christmas Hibiscus...we couldn't afford, or have space for a tree this year!!)

Soule Mama has interesting, sustainable ways she wraps/gifts in her family.  and there just *must* be others out there!

are you environmentally conscious about how you wrap?  what do you do?  how do you wrap?

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