Sunday, April 10, 2011

50-75 things that make me thankful

I don't think today will be too hard.  I had a good day!

-the thought of +17 weather
-my new fedora from North
-putting miney in the saviungs
-going to body blitz with my mom
-chatting with mom about everything
-showing my mom a new book (Pema's book I talked about earlier)
-seeing Mo on my way to the spa
-getting a recommendation for our new after spa lunch spot
-soaking, steaming and soaking bliss
-my new face scrub
-being able to go see my moms new house in Peterborough
-seeing what a great house they bought
-discovering the hiking trail a 2 minute walk behind the house!
-seeing and hearing fat robins, blue jays and cardinals.
-a creek!
-smelling the spring air
-being excited about helping landscape their property
-vegetable garden!!
-meeting K's mom, and S's girlfriend
-finding a Vietnamese restaurant, and it being good!
-finding a magazine called Peterbourough Kids, and realizing there is so much in the city for me as a parent, and I don't have to worry about being alone.
-seeing how potentially 'green' the city is, environmental that is.
-being welcomed home to two cute boys
-getting to sleep with one of those boys

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